This Is Ideal For Those Using A Different Front End Product Such As Sendiio, MyMailIt, A WordPress Plugin Or Similar Services Without A Front End Interface Included.
Think of the SMTP Relay like the engine of a car. This is what actually sends the emails.
This service is for those who use a third-party app or platform to send email with, or need to send email from a website or blog and don't need all the bells and whistles of a full Autoresponder.
We provide you with all of the necessary settings to plug into you email application.
Great for those with lists under 5K subscribers
Great for those with lists greater than 5K but less than 10K subscribers
Great for those with a list over 10K but less than 20K subscribers
Great for those with a list over 20K subscribers
Go to either our SMTP Relays or our Dedicated Email Servers of your choice. After checkout there will be a coupon code on the Thank You page making the Email Marketing Platform FREE!